The last part of this verse hit me. "He is able to humble those who walk in pride." I have a tendency to walk with pride that is not rightfully mine. Just last night, I was given a blow. A few friends and I were talking about church and when I asked if they knew I was a Christian, I was told no. Until this point, I thought I was doing okay. I thought I was living my life for God. I thought, I was showing through my walk and everything who I lived for.
This is what I thought.
Last night, when I got home, I began praying and asking for forgiveness. Then, I cried. I was crying because of my pride and shame. However, I will not live with this shame. God has restored me. He gives us people to show us an outside perspective. I thank God for showing me this. I hope I can continue to grow and that He continues to show me more of the things I am doing well in and the things I should change.
Thank you.
wow. thanks for sharing, it's cool to see what God is doing with others all over the world. it opens up a whole new perspective on how awesome He is.