Well, I have finally begin to work on my body. I started yoga and am trying to ride my bike more. And by ride my bike more, I mean actually ride it. Since I started the musical back in December, I feel like a lot of things went to the wayside. I stopped riding my bike, I began eating fast food, and I was eating out way too much. I'm in a process of changing all of that now. I'm setting a budget for myself, exercising, and even writing more. Actually the past few weeks have been pretty good. I'm no longer in the musical so all of that stress is gone. However, now I have quite a bit of free time on my hands. Therefore, I am placing things such as yoga, riding my bike, and writing where the musical practice use to be. I think it will be good for me. Who knows, maybe I can write a story and try to shoot it later on.
So, I titled this 'A Sabbath' because today is one of the first days and a very long time where I didn't have anything planned. I mean, I did yoga this morning but after that, my day was free. I have no plans of meeting people. Today is a day of truly resting. I decided to come to the coffee shop because it is quite peaceful here. (And I was just given some food from the barista... for free.) It is a place I can come and just sit. I can eat a chicken salad if I want and drink some coffee. It has been refreshing to not have any plans.
I am one of those people who is always thinking of the future. I don't really allow my brain to rest. I'm constantly thinking of what I should do next and when I don't have something planned, I feel I need to plan something. I sometimes forget to take time for myself and just enjoy the moment. I have had so many conversations where I have given advice to not worry so much about the future, but to enjoy the now and never seem to listen to myself. I always seem to think this advice is for others and not me. However, days like today remind me, I need that just as much as everyone else. I'm no different than the person next to me.
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