Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What's in a Horse?

Recently William Shakespeare's words, "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!" has gone through my mind. I am not sure what made me think of this. I have not read Richard III since high school. But, none the less, these words popped in my head. And now because of these words I am writing this.

Richard III shouted this after his horse was slain. He was hoping to receive a horse to flee from his enemies. Now, I have no enemies like Richard had at this point. No one is trying to kill me, I mean. But there are things that I feel are very relevant to this quote.

Since I have moved to Korea, I have often found myself quite sidetracked. Sidetracked from my talents, sidetracked from my friends, and sidetracked from my God. It is so easy to get caught up in the day and completely forget to simply pray. This past week, I felt this cry from Richard but in a different way. I simply cry I want more of You and that starts with me becoming focused. Focused on the things that are important. I am in Korea for a purpose and plan on following through.

1 comment:

  1. you should look up stuff about "the daily office" or "the devine hour"
    its all about a constant recentering of the mind toward god. its helping me alot. it is however not helping the fact that i really want to talk to you!!!! i miss you
